As members of Unity of Dayton’s Prayer Team, we are both grateful and honored by your prayer requests. Unity was founded on the power of affirmative prayer. Quite simply… prayer works! Thank you for allowing us to support you in remembering your health, wholeness, prosperity, and oneness with the Presence and Power of God.
Prayer requests may be written, verbal or emailed. To submit a confidential prayer request in writing, please fill out the contact form below or place your prayer request in the prayer box in the social area at Unity of Dayton. The Prayer Team will be provided with your first name so they may begin praying with you daily for thirty days.
You may also share your request for prayer with the entire congregation by placing your name, or the names of those we are praying with, on the “Unity of Dayton Prayer Tree” bulletin board in the social area. Let us know if you would like for us to do that for you.
All prayer requests are forwarded to the Prayer Team for thirty days of prayer. The requests are then forwarded to Silent Unity at Unity Village for an additional thirty days of prayer.
If you have an immediate prayer need, please call Unity’s 24 hour prayer line (1-800-NOW-PRAY) at Silent Unity. An experienced Prayer Associate is always there for you.
Gloria Hardesty and Gerri Blumgold are available for spiritual counseling by appointment. Please call 937-233-7516 to schedule an appointment.
Remember, you don’t need a challenge or a crisis to avail yourself of the Prayer Ministry. Even the most love-filled, prosperous life can be enhanced through the power of prayer. God bless you!