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So far Webmaster has created 5 blog entries.

Reiki Healing Circle

Free Reiki Healing Circle

Sunday September 4 at 12:30 PM

young woman receiving healing energy


The Reiki Healing Circle is on the 1st Sunday of every month following the celebration service. There will be another circle on Sunday August 7th at 12:30 p.m! You can find the sign up sheet upon entering the social area just before the circle. There will be refreshments after the service as the circle may last about 45 minutes. The circle is offered on a love-offering basis, there is no fee.

By |2022-08-27T10:37:13-04:00June 28, 2022|Ongoing Activities|Comments Off on Reiki Healing Circle

About Our Spiritual Community

About Our Spiritual Community

Unity of Dayton is A New Thought Center for Spiritual Growth

We practice positive, practical spirituality! Based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, Unity of Dayton honors the diversity of all people. We are also committed to each individuals highest spiritual purposes. These include Universal Love, Peace, Prosperity, Service, and Oneness with God.

Unity is a positive, practical, progressive approach to Christianity based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of prayer. Unity honors the universal truths in all religions and respects each individual’s right to choose a spiritual path.

Welcome to Unity of Dayton

Watch Our Celebration Sunday Service Online

Live on YouTube at 11 am

A New Thought Center for Spiritual Growth

A Welcoming Spiritual Community

We are a joyous, flourishing, and welcoming spiritual community that enables divine expression, transformation, and spiritual understanding. We offer transformation of lives by meditating, praying, teaching truth, celebrating each other, and giving, too. That’s how we build community.

Join us online each Sunday for our Celebration Service on YouTube at 11 am!

Each Sunday, we offer a whole family environment with available childcare. We also offer Sunday School programs for older youth (Y.O.U. and Uniteens). A variety of helpful teams volunteer their time to meet our needs.

Truth Teachings

We frequently facilitate classes, workshops, and study groups. We continue to hold to the idea that Unity of Dayton is a teaching ministry where we can gather tools for practical Divinity in action. Some of the classes and workshops include: prayer, healing, prosperity, Unity basic principles, spiritual ideas, and many more exciting Truth Teachings.

By |2022-06-03T07:14:42-04:00June 3, 2022|Home|Comments Off on About Our Spiritual Community

Venus Rising Book Study

Venus Rising Women’s Zoom Book Study

Women connecting energies


Wednesday Mornings 10 am to 12 pm


Venus Rising is arising in person again! The study group is currently studying The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. Anyone is welcome at anytime! (No need to have the book.)

By |2023-02-11T06:51:00-05:00May 11, 2022|Study Groups|0 Comments

Women’s Group

feminine statueWelcome to the Sacred Feminine!

Every Wednesday

A fun group for like-minded women is meeting at Unity of Dayton. Colleen Foster facilitates a weekly gathering of the Sacred Feminine. All women are invited each Wednesday from 10:30 am to Noon for a time of connection and energizing conversation. This is an “in-person group and, though not necessary, love offerings are always appreciated.


By |2022-05-11T08:29:05-04:00December 8, 2021|Ongoing Activities|Comments Off on Women’s Group
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