Building community through serving others! Unity of Dayton works because our people give their time and talent to make it so.

Service is Love

Sacred Service Opportunities

Through my commitment to God, I bless others and bless myself. — Daily Word

Love In Action (Transformational Opportunities)

Book Nook
Run cash register, assist customers, and help maintain bookstore
The Hospitality Gathering
Nourishes our CommUnity with food, beverages and smiles on 1st Sunday
Hands of Love (Inreach)
Reach out to members of our CommUnity during challenging life events
Cares for the lawn by mowing grass
Flower Beds
Weed, mulch and tend the various flower beds
Music Team
Provides inspiring music for services and events
Office Angels
Help prepare service materials, stock sanctuary, help with mailings, etc.
Shares our spiritual, physical and monetary gifts with the Miami Valley Area
Prayer Ministry
Prays for all who request prayer
Special Events
Organizes social events for our CommUnity
Sound/CD Duplication
Operates the sound equipment and/or duplicates CDs of the service.
Youth & Family Ministry
Facilitates spiritual exploration with our children and their families
Help with greeting and seating, operating lights, and counting for services
Welcomes newcomers and helps them integrate into their new spiritual home


If you would like to have additional information on any of these or other service opportunities, please contact Rev. Chase at (937) 233-7516 or use the contact form below.

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